Install H264 Streaming Module Apache

Posted : adminOn 11/3/2017

InstallH264StreamingModuleApacheAdaptive Live Streaming with IIS 8. Introduction. To do smooth streaming, well do the following Setup a iis 8 web server on my Windows 8. Install IIS Media Services which make the server to understand Smooth Stream. Of course, on the client side, we need silverlight. Date=1413276474857&api=v2' alt='Install H264 Streaming Module Apache' title='Install H264 Streaming Module Apache' />Bitcoin. La bolla dei bitcoin ed il sonno dei regulatorsBitcoin da 10 a 11mila dollari in poche ore. Poi cala a 9500. bolla Sudo aptget y install buildessential cmake cmakeqtgui pkgconfig libpng120 libpng12dev libpngdev libpng3 libpnglitedev zlib1gdbg zlib1g zlib1gdev. Playback via remote test server as well as localhost server. IIS Internet Information Services 8. In this secton, well learn how to do Smooth Streaming via IIS 8. IIS in Windows is an optional Windows Feature. To install it, press the Windows R key combination to bring up a run box, then type appwiz. This will open the Program and Features part of Control Panel, on the left hand side click on the Turn Windows features on or off link By default it installs all the stuff needed to host a website After clicking OK, when we fire up our browser and navigate to localhost, we get. IIS Manager. Control Panel Administrative Tools Internet Information Services IIS Manager. Here is the default site settings We can change it to point other directory IIS Media Services. IIS Media Services 4. IIS Media Services 4. HTTP based media delivery platform. Integrates a media delivery platform with IIS to manage and administer delivery of rich media and other Web content. Here is the files after the iis media install Smooth Streaming. IIS Smooth Streaming uses the MPEG 4 Part 1. ISOIEC 1. 44. 96 1. The Smooth Streaming specification defines each chunkGOP as an MPEG 4 Movie Fragment and stores it within a contiguous MP4 file for easy random access. One MP4 file for each bit rate, and it is a single full length file per encoded bit rate. When a client requests a specific source time segment from the IIS Web server, the server dynamically finds the appropriate Movie Fragment box within the contiguous MP4 file and sends it over the wire as a standalone file, thus ensuring full cacheability downstream. There are actually two parts to the Smooth Streaming format disk file format a format which is recorded and storedwire format chunks that are sent by IIS to the clientMaking it two parts are possible because MP4 specification allows MP4 to be internally organized as a series of fragments, which means that in Smooth Streaming the wire format is a direct subset of the file format. The basic unit of an MP4 file is called a box. MP4 ISO Base Media File Format specification is designed to allow MP4 boxes to be organized in a fragmented manner, where the file can be written as we go as a series of short metadatadata box pairs, rather than one long metadatadata pair. The Smooth Streaming file format heavily leverages this aspect of the MP4 file specification, to the point where at Microsoft we often interchangeably refer to Smooth Streaming files as Fragmented MP4 files or fMP4. Picture from IISSmoothStreamingTechnicalOverview. The file starts with file level metadata moov that generically describes the file, but the bulk of the samples is actually contained in the fragment boxes that also carry more accurate fragment level metadata moof such as the information about sample locations and sample sizes and media data mdat that contains the samples as described in the preceding moof box. Closing the file is an mfra index box that allows easy and accurate seeking within the file. Picture from Creating End to End Smooth Streaming Video Solutions with Silverlight and IIS Media Services. We can check the file structure using the following command. MP4. Box Big. Buck. Bunny2. 30. ismv diso. It will generate an xml file Big. Buck. Bunny2. 30info. UTF 8. lt MP4. Box dump trace. Iso. Media. File NameBig. Buck. Bunny2. 30. File. Type. Box Major. Brandisml Minor. Version1. Box. Info Size2. 4 Typeftyp. Brand. Entry Alternate. Brandpiff. Brand. Entry Alternate. Brandiso. File. Type. Box. Movie. Box. lt Box. Info Size1. Typemoov. lt Movie. Header. Box Creation. Time3. 35. 84. 45. Modification. Time3. Time. Scale1. 00. Duration5. 96. 47. Next. Track. ID3. Box. Info Size1. Typemvhd. Full. Box. Info Version1 Flags0x. Movie. Header. Box. Movie. Extends. Box. Box. Info Size9. Typemvex. Movie. Extends. Header. Box fragment. Duration5. Box. Info Size2. Typemehd. Full. Box. Info Version1 Flags0x. Movie. Extends. Header. Box. lt Track. Extends. Box Track. ID1 Sample. Description. Index1 Sample. Duration0 Sample. Size0. lt Default. Sample. Flags Is. Leading0 Sample. Depends. On0 Sample. Is. Depended. On0 Sample. Has. Redundancy0 Sample. Padding0 Sample. Sync1 Sample. Degradation. Priority0. Box. Info Size3. Typetrex. Full. Box. Info Version0 Flags0x. Track. Extends. Box. Track. Extends. Box Track. ID2 Sample. Description. Index1 Sample. Duration0 Sample. Size0. lt Default. Sample. Flags Is. Leading0 Sample. Depends. On0 Sample. Is. Depended. On0 Sample. Has. Redundancy0 Sample. Padding0 Sample. Sync1 Sample. Degradation. Priority0. Box. Info Size3. Typetrex. Full. Box. Info Version0 Flags0x. Track. Extends. Box. Movie. Extends. Box. Track. Box. lt Box. Info Size5. 35 Typetrak. Track. Header. Box Creation. Time3. 35. 84. 45. Modification. Time3. Track. ID1 Duration5. Volume1. 0. 0. Box. Info Size1. Typetkhd. Full. Box. Info Version1 Flags0x. Track. Header. Box. Media. Box. lt Box. Info Size4. 23 Typemdia. Media. Header. Box Creation. Time3. 35. 84. 45. Modification. Time3. Time. Scale1. 00. Duration5. 96. 47. Language. Codeund. San Myanmar Unicode more. Box. Info Size4. Typemdhd. Full. Box. Info Version1 Flags0x. Media. Header. Box. Handler. Box Typesoun NameAudio reserved. Box. Info Size3. Typehdlr. Full. Box. Info Version0 Flags0x. Handler. Box. lt Media. Information. Box. Box. Info Size3. Typeminf. Sound. Media. Header. Box. Box. Info Size1. Typesmhd. lt Full. Box. Info Version0 Flags0x. Sound. Media. Header. Box. lt Data. Information. Box lt Box. Info Size3. Typedinf. Data. Reference. Box. Box. Info Size2. Typedref. lt Full. Box. Info Version0 Flags0x. URLData. Entry. Box. Data is contained in the movie file. Box. Info Size1. Typeurl. Full. Box. Info Version0 Flags0x. URLData. Entry. Box. Data. Reference. Box. Data. Information. Box. lt Sample. Table. Box. lt Box. Info Size2. Typestbl. Sample. Description. Box. Box. Info Size1. 81 Typestsd. Full. Box. Info Version0 Flags0x. MPEGAudio. Sample. Description. Box Data. Reference. Index1 Sample. Rate4. 41. 00 Channels2 Bits. Per. Sample1. 6. Box. Info Size1. Typemp. MPEG4. ESDescriptor. Box. lt Box. Info Size1. Typeesds. Full. Box. Info Version0 Flags0x. ESDescriptor ESIDes. Config. Descr. Decoder. Config. Descriptor object. Type. Indication6. Type5 buffer. Size. DB1. 22. 88 max. Bitrate1. Bitrate1. 28. 00. Specific. Info. Decoder. Specific. Info typeauto srcdata applicationoctet string,1. C40. 00. 02. 00. Specific. Info. Decoder. Config. Descriptor. Config. Descr. Config. Descr. SLConfig. Descriptor. SLConfig. Descriptor. Config. Descr. ESDescriptor. MPEG4. ESDescriptor. Box. lt MPEGAudio. Sample. Description. Box. lt Sample. Asterisk The Definitive Guide. In this chapter we are going to explore integrating some. Asterisk features and functions into a database. There are several databases. Linux, but we have chosen to limit our discussion to the two. Postgre. SQL and My. SQL. We will also explain how to configure Linux to. Microsoft SQL database via ODBC however, configuration of the. WindowsMicrosoft portion is beyond the scope of this book. Regardless of which database you use, this. ODBC connector, so as long as you have some familiarity with getting your. ODBC ready, you shouldnt have any problems with this. Integrating Asterisk with databases is one of. The power of the database will enable you to use dynamically changing data. Asterisk systems or integrating with web based services. Our favorite. dialplan function, which we will cover later in. While not all Asterisk deployments will require. Installing and Configuring Postgre. SQL and My. SQLIn the following sections we will show how to install and. Postgre. SQL and My. SQL on both Cent. OS and Ubuntu. 1. It is recommended that you only install one database at a. Pick the database you are most. Installing Postgre. SQL for Cent. OSThe following command can be used to install the. Postgre. SQL server and its dependencies from the console sudo yum install y postgresql server. Install 3 Packages. Upgrade 0 Packages. Total download size 6. M. Is this ok yN y. Then start the database, which will take a. Now. head to the section called Configuring Postgre. SQL for. instructions on how to perform the initial configuration. Installing Postgre. SQL for Ubuntu. To install Postgre. SQL on Ubuntu, run the following. You will be prompted to also install any additional packages. Press Enter to accept the list of dependencies, at. Postgre. SQL will be. After this operation, 1. MB of additional disk space will be used. Do you want to continue Yn Now. Configuring Postgre. SQL for. instructions on how to perform the initial configuration. Installing My. SQL for Cent. OSTo install My. SQL on Cent. OS, run the following command. You. will be prompted to install several dependencies. Press Enter to accept, and the My. SQL server and. dependency packages will be installed sudo yum install mysql server. Install 5 Packages. Upgrade 0 Packages. Total download size 2. M. Is this ok yN y. Then start the My. SQL database by running sudo service mysqld start. Now head to the section called Configuring My. SQL to perform the initial. Installing My. SQL for Ubuntu. To install My. SQL on Ubuntu, run the following command. You. will be prompted to install several dependencies. Press Enter to accept, and the My. SQL server and its. Need to get 2. 4. MB of archives. After this operation, 6. MB of additional disk space will be used. Do you want to continue Yn During. You will be. prompted to enter a new password for the root user. Type in a strong password and press Enter. You will then be asked to confirm the. Type your strong password again, followed by Enter. You will then be returned to the. The My. SQL service will. Now head to the section called Configuring My. SQL to perform the initial. Next, create a user called asterisk. You can switch. to the postgres user by using the following. Note. At the time of this writing, Postgre. SQL. version 8. 1. Cent. OS, and 8. 4. Ubuntu. Then run the following commands to create. PEnter name of user to add asterisk. Enter password for new user Enter it again Shall the new role be a superuser Shall the new user be allowed to create databasesShall the new user be allowed to create more new users CREATE ROLENow, edit the pghba. Postgre. SQL server over the TCPIP socket. On Cent. OS, this file will be located at varlibpgsqldatapghba. On Ubuntu. you will find it at etcpostgresql8. At the end of the file, replace everything. TYPE DATABASE USER CIDR ADDRESS METHODwith the following TYPE DATABASE USER CIDR ADDRESS METHOD. Now you can create the database that we. Call the database asterisk and set the owner to your. CREATE DATABASEYou can set the password for the. ALTER USER asterisk WITH PASSWORD password. Exit from the. postgres user exit. Then restart the Postgre. SQL server. On. Cent. OS sudo service postgresql restart. Note. You need to restart the Postgre. SQL. service because you made changes to pghba. On Ubuntu sudo etcinit. Note. On Ubuntu 1. You can verify your connection to the Postgre. SQL server via. TCPIP, like so psql h 1. U asterisk. Password for user asterisk. Welcome to psql 8. Postgre. SQL interactive terminal. Type copyright for distribution terms. SQL commands. for help with psql commands. Youre. now ready to move on to the section called Installing and Configuring ODBC. With the My. SQL database now running, you should secure. Conveniently, there is a script you can execute that. The script is pretty straightforward, and after. Execute the following script sudo usrbinmysqlsecureinstallation. Then connect to the database console so you. Enter password After. You can now create your. CREATE USER command. The is a wildcard indicating the. IDENTIFIED BY the password. Note the trailing semicolon mysql CREATE USER asterisk IDENTIFIED BY somesecretpassword. Query OK, 0 rows affected 0. Lets also. create the initial database youll use throughout this chapter mysql CREATE DATABASE asterisk Query OK, 1 rows affected 0. Now. that youve created your user and database, you need to assign. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON asterisk. TO asterisk Query OK, 0 rows affected 0. Finally. exit from the console and verify that your permissions are correct by. Bye. mysql u asterisk p asterisk. Enter password mysql Youre now ready to move on. Installing and Configuring ODBC. Installing and Configuring ODBCThe ODBC connector is a database abstraction layer that. Asterisk to communicate with a wide range of. Asterisk wants to support. This saves a lot. There is a slight performance. Asterisk and. the database, but this can be mitigated with proper design and is well. Asterisk system. Before you install the connector in Asterisk. ODBC into Linux itself. To install the ODBC drivers, use one of the. On Cent. OS sudo yum install unix. ODBC unix. ODBC devel libtool ltdl libtool ltdl devel. Note. If youre using a 6. Asterisk links. against the wrong libraries. On Ubuntu sudo apt get install unix. ODBC unix. ODBC dev. Youll also need to install the. ODBC development package, because Asterisk uses. ODBC modules we will be using throughout this. Warning. The unix. ODBC drivers. shipped with distributions are often a few versions behind the. If you have stability. ODBC, you may need to. Just be sure to remove the. ODBC drivers via your package manager first. By default, Cent. OS will install the drivers. Postgre. SQL databases via ODBC. To install the drivers. My. SQL, execute the following command sudo yum install mysql connector odbc. To install the Postgre. SQL ODBC connector on. Ubuntu sudo apt get install odbc postgresql. Or. to install the My. SQL ODBC connector on Ubuntu sudo apt get install libmyodbc. Configuring ODBC for Postgre. SQLConfiguration for the Postgre. SQL ODBC driver is done in. On Cent. OS the default file already contains. Postgre. SQL, so just verify that the data. The file will look like the following Postgre. SQL. Description ODBC for Postgre. SQL. Driver usrliblibodbcpsql.