Serial Communication Using Visa Labview Driver

Posted : adminOn 12/6/2017

Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench LabVIEW 3 is a systemdesign platform and development environment for a visual programming language from. Instrument Control in Lab. VIEW Tutorial. 1. Introduction. With a wide array of instrument connectivity interfaces, it is important to choose the proper one for your application. The following flowchart will guide you through the choices you need to make when choosing the appropriate interface. Figure 1. Flowchart on Choosing the Correct Interface. Back to Top. 2. Instrument Drivers. In Lab. VIEW, an instrument driver is a set of VIs that communicates with an instrument. Each VI corresponds to a programmatic operation, such as configuring, reading from, writing to, and triggering an instrument. Lab. VIEW instrument drivers simplify instrument control and reduce test program development time by eliminating the need for you to learn the complex, low level programming commands for each instrument. For more detailed information on how to use an instrument driver in Lab. VIEW, refer to the following tutorial How to Use an Instrument Driver in Lab. VIEW Tutorial. Back to Top. Instrument IO Assistant. The Instrument IO Express VI, found on the Functions Instrument IO palette, launches the Instrument IO Assistant, which you can use to communicate with message based instruments and graphically parse the response. For example, you can communicate with an instrument that uses a serial, Ethernet, or GPIB interface. A Digital Power Analyzer is an instrument for research development, design validation, and manufacturing test used to accurately measure electrical power. TDKLambda, High Power DC, Programmable, and High Voltage Capacitor Charging Power Supplies. Using the Instrument IO Assistant. The Instrument IO Assistant organizes instrument communication into ordered steps. To use the Instrument IO Assistant, you place steps into a sequence. Serial Communication Using Visa Labview Driver' title='Serial Communication Using Visa Labview Driver' />Serial Communication Using Visa Labview DriverSerial Communication Using Visa Labview DriverAs you add steps to the sequence, they appear in the step sequence window. Use the view associated with a step to configure instrument IO. Color Pearl Download For Blackberry 9300 more. Four steps are available in the Instrument IO Assistant. Select InstrumentUse this step to select the instrument you want to communicate with and to configure basic instrument properties. This step appears in the step sequence window when you launch the Instrument IO Assistant and must always be the first step in any Instrument IO Assistant sequence. Query and ParseUse this step to send a command to the instrument, read a response from the instrument, and parse the returned data. WriteUse this step to send a command to the instrument. Read and ParseUse this step to read a response from the instrument and parse the returned data. Once you build a sequence of steps, you then execute the sequence to communicate with the instrument. When execution completes, use the response window in the Read and Parse view and Query and Parse view to interactively parse data into tokens and assign new data types to the tokens you create. Refer to figure 2 to see the Instrument IO Assistant. Note You must have the Instrument IO Assistant installed to use the Instrument IO Assistant Express VI. You install the Instrument IO Assistant from the National Instruments Device Drivers CD. Cook Magic Talking Microwave Manual here. Figure 2. Instrument IO Assistant. For more information about configuring the steps, click Show Help to view the embedded help within the Instrument IO Assistant. Back to Top. 4. VISA API. VISA is a standard IO API for instrumentation programming. VISA can control GPIB, serial, USB, Ethernet, PXI, or VXI instruments, making the appropriate driver calls depending on the type of instrument you use so you do not have to learn instrument specific communication protocol. Before you begin using VISA, make sure you choose the appropriate method of instrument control. Creating a Typical VISA Application. Use the IO controls on the Controls IO and Controls Classic Classic IO palettes to specify the instrument or device resource you want to communicate with. Use the VIs and functions on the Functions Instrument IO VISA palette to build VIs that control instruments. For most simple instrument applications, you need only two VISA functions, VISA Write and VISA Read. Refer to the Basic Serial Write and Read Example VI in the labviewexamplesinstrsmplserl. VISA functions. Figure 3. Basic Serial Write and Read. Front Panel. This VI allows the user to select the VISA resource and operation they would like to perform, write, read or both. If the user selects to write to and read from the instrument, the VI will write the data to the instrument, read the response from the instrument and display it in the read string indicator, and then close the VISA session. Refer to the block diagram to see how this VI is programmed. Figure 4. Basic Serial Write and Read. Block Diagram. The VISA Configure Serial Port. Next, the VI checks to see whether the user has selected to write to the instrument. If yes, the VI sends the string to the instrument using the VISA Write. The VI then checks to see if the user selected to read from the instrument. If yes, the VI reads the data from the instrument using the VISA Read. Finally, the VI closes the session to the port using the VISA Close. This is important to do so another application can access the port without having to exit Lab. VIEW. Use the VIs in the Functions Instrument IO VISA VISA Advanced palette to build advanced VISA VIs. Refer to the labviewexamplesinstrvisa. VISA VIs. Verifying VISA Communication. To verify that VISA and the device driver are installed correctly and VISA detects the instrument, first view the resource names that appear in the VISA resource name pull down menu. If no resource names appear in this list, VISA or the device driver might not be installed correctly. Use Measurement Automation Explorer to configure and test instrument communication. If resource names appear in the VISA resource name pull down menu, but a particular instrument does not appear in the list, you might have a cable connection problem. If VISA is installed correctly and VISA detects the instrument, but you receive errors when you run the instrument control application, you must identify what sequence of VIs produces the error in Lab. VIEW. If you are using an instrument driver, try to run each VI interactively and verify that each control is set appropriately. NI IO Trace is a tool for monitoring instrument IO communications while your application runs. You can use NI IO Trace to capture instrument IO calls and their results while Lab. VIEW VIs run. Capturing calls and their results can help you debug problems with instrument communications. Windows Select StartNational InstrumentsNI IO Trace to launch NI IO Trace. Mac OS Select ApplicationsNational InstrumentsNI IO Trace and double click the NI IO Trace icon to launch NI IO Trace. Linux Type niiotrace in the command line to launch NI IO Trace. Back to Top. 5. Creating an Instrument Driver. Use the Instrument Driver Project Wizard to create a new instrument driver project. Select ToolsInstrumentationCreate Instrument Driver Project to launch the Instrument Driver Project Wizard. After creating the new instrument driver, follow the Instrument Driver Modification Instructions in Lab. VIEW Help to complete the driver. Use the Instrument Driver VI Wizard to create an instrument driver VI and insert the VI into the instrument driver project library. Right click the project library file in the Project Explorer window and select NewInstrument Driver VI from the shortcut menu to launch the Instrument Driver VI Wizard. Back to Top. 6. Related Links. How to Use an Instrument Driver in Lab. VIEW Tutorial. NI VISA Programming Reference Manual. Instrument Driver Network. Using IVI Drivers in Lab.